Results for 'Avraham Dov ben Aba Shalom Burshṭin'

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  1. Sefer Ḥayim shel parnasah: be-gidre ha-hishtadlut be-farnasah.Avraham Dov ben Aba Shalom Burshṭin - 2001 - Yerushalayim: Avraham Dov ben Aba Shalom Burshṭin.
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  2. Sifre ḳabalah u-musar.Yaʼ Mah-Ṭov, ir ben Avraham & Shalom ben Yosef (eds.) - 2008 - Bene Beraḳ: Yaʼir ben Avraham Mah-Ṭov.
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  3. ha-Rav Ḳuḳ: ben ratsyonalizm le-misṭiḳah.Binyamin Ish Shalom & Avraham Shapira - 1990 - Tel Aviv: ʻAm ʻoved. Edited by Avraham Shapira.
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    Dan II: A Chronicle of the Excavations and the Late Bronze Age "Mycenaean" Tomb.Rachel Hallote, Avraham Biran & Rachel Ben-Dov - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (1):159.
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  5. Sefer Ḥuḳat ha-Torah: bo asafti ʻaśarah maʼamarim le-vaʼer divre ḥakh., zal... be-mitsṿat Talmud Torah. Ṿe-Sefer Zikhron Mordekhai: bo beʼarti divre Rabenu Baʻal ha-Tanya, zal, ʻal hilkhot Talmud Torah..Elimelekh ʻOzer Bodeḳ & Avraham Mosheh Dov Ber ben Daṿid Hakohen (eds.) - 1898 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: E. ʻO. Bodeḳ.
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  6. Sifre ḳabalah u-musar.Yaʼir ben Avraham Mah-Ṭov & Shalom ben Yosef (eds.) - 2008 - Bene Beraḳ: Yaʼir ben Avraham Mah-Ṭov.
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  7. Be-shalom uve-mishor: midot ṿe-deʻot be-ferush ha-Torah shel Rabi Avraham ben ha-Rambam.Karmiʼel Kohen - 1998 - Yerushalayim: Maʻaliyot.
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  8. Sefer Otsar igrot ḳodesh: ṿe-hu hadrakhot yesharot le-taḳen ha-nefesh be-hatmadat u-sheḳedat ha-Torah, le-hamshikh ha-lev be-emunah u-viṭaḥon, le-hizaher meʼod be-shemirat ha-ḥushim, le-natsel et ha-zeman ha-yaḳar mi-kol yeḳar, she-lo le-lekh be-darkhe reshaʻim ṿe-ʻod.Ḥayim Avraham Dov Ber Leṿin - 2022 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Mekhon ha-Rav ha-Malʼakh.
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  9. Sefer Ḳehilat Mosheh: reʼu davar ḥadash asher hevi lanu... asher izen ṿe-ḥiḳer ṿe-asaf ṿe-liḳeṭ... mi-geʼone ha-zeman... uve-rosham... Shimson me-Osṭropoli ṿe-aḥaraṿ... Yonatan mi-Prag... u-sheʼar ha-geʼonim..Mosheh ben Avraham - 1990 - Yerushalayim: Or ha-meʼir. Edited by Samson ben Pesaḥ Ostropoler.
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  10. Sefer Ṿe-oraiteh ḳeshoṭ: daʻ mah she-tashiv le-ʻatsmekha ṿela-aḥerim..Avraham Eliyahu ben Yehudah Yaʻaḳobovits - 2010 - [Israel: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  11. Sefer Be-hekhal ha-Maharal: kolel maśa u-matan be-verur ṿe-livun sodot vi-yesodot be-ʻinyene ḥomer ṿe-tsurah, ṿe-ʻod... be-torato shel rabenu ha-Maharal mi-Prag..Dov ben Aharon Mosheh Mesh - 2009 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Dov ben Aharon Mosheh Mesh.
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  12. Sefer zikaron Avo bam: le-zikhro umi-torato shel Avraham Aba ha-Leṿi Zayons.Avraham Aba Zayons & Yeḥezḳel Leṿinshṭain (eds.) - 1996 - Lakewood, N.J.: Zayons.
    Śiḥot maran ha-Mashgiaḥ Mohari Leṿinshṭain, zatsal -- Ḥidushe torato ʻa. Mas. B.ḳ. ṿe-liḳuṭim -- Leḳeṭ mi-maʼamraṿ mi-moreshet Daṿid Heber ṿe-ʻinyene ha-shaʻah.
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  13. Sefer Otsar ha-Shabat: ʻal ʻinyene Shabat ḳodesh.Daṿid Dov ben Yeḳutiʼel Yuda Maizlish (ed.) - 2000 - [Brooklyn]: Hotsaʼat sefarim Yofi.
    ḥeleḳ 1. Liḳuṭ ʻinyanim niflaʼim ʻal godel ḳedushat ha-Shabat -- ḥeleḳ 2. Liḳuṭ ʻinyanim niflaʼim ʻal tefilot u-seʻudot Shabat.
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  14. Sefer Pitḥe yiḥud: hilkhot yiḥud mevoʼarim be-ṭaʻamam ʻal pi mekorotehem be-sifre ha-rishonim ṿeha-aḥaronim ʻim tsiyunim ṿe-heʻarot.Tsevi Dov ben Zeʼev Rotan - 2015 - Modiʻin ʻIlit: [Tsevi Dov ben Zeʼev Rotan].
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  15. Sefer Ohel Torah: ʻal ha-moʻadim ṿe-ʻinyanim shonim: beʼur ha-moʻadim ṿe-ʻinyanim shonim be-derekh sheʼelot u-teshuvot ʻa. pi divre rabotenu rishonim ṿe-aḥaronim..Avraham Hilel ben Yosef Mordekhai Siboni - 1997 - Yerushalayim: A.H. ben Y.M. Siboni.
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  16. Yad le-shalom: netivim be-divre ha-Rambam.Shalom Dov Eldar - 2022 - Yerushalayim: Mosad ha-Rav Ḳuḳ.
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  17. Avot u-vanim.Yaʻaḳov Dov ben Barukh Raʻanan (ed.) - 1982 - [Reḥovot]: Yad Raʻanan.
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  18. Sefer Tifʼeret Yiśraʼel ha-mitḥadeshet: mivḥar yetsirot mofet.Yaʻaḳov Dov ben Barukh Raʻanan (ed.) - 1983 - [Ḳiryat-Ono, Reḥovot]: Yad Raʻanan.
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  19. Heḥaltsu-259: Maʼamar.Shalom Dov Baer Schneersohn - 2008 - YeḳutiʼEl Grin. Edited by Yeḳutiʼel Grin.
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  20. Ha-Maʻayanot: Ḳunṭres Ets Ha-Ḥayim.Shalom Dov Baer Schneersohn - 2013 - Torat Ḥabad Li-Vene Ha-Yeshivot. Edited by Joseph Isaac Schneersohn, Dov Liberman & Ḥayyim ben Joseph Vital.
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  21. Ḳunṭres Heḥaltsu: meʼah shanah.Shalom Dov Baer Schneersohn - 1998 - Netanyah: Beʼer Menaḥem. Edited by Yiśraʼel Elfenbain & Joseph Isaac Schneersohn.
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    On Ahavas Yisrael: Heichaltzu = [Heḥaltsu]: A Chassidic Discourse.Shalom Dov Baer Schneersohn - 1996 - [Brooklyn, N.Y.: "Kehot" Publication Society. Edited by Uri Kaploun & Joseph Isaac Schneersohn.
    Although "Love your fellow as yourself" is, as Rabbi Akiva taught, the great underlying principle of the Torah, achieving the experience of this love is a profound challenge for most people. Human personality is instead often given to baseless hatred. The discourse Heichaltzu (lit., "Arm yourselves") by the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe deals with the spiritual roots of such hatred, its practical consequences, and the remedies for it. Includes several related essays and letters, as well as extensive footnotes and references.
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  23. Sefer Neveh Shalom.Abraham ben Isaac ben Judah ben Samuel Shalom - 1969 - [Farnborough, Hants.,: Gregg.
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    Toward nonprobabilistic explanations of learning and decision-making.Aba Szollosi, Chris Donkin & Ben R. Newell - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (2):546-568.
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    Is Conviction Narrative Theory a theory of everything or nothing?Ben R. Newell & Aba Szollosi - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e103.
    We connect Conviction Narrative Theory to an account that views people as intuitive scientists who can flexibly create, evaluate, and modify representations of decision problems. We argue that without understanding how the relevant complex narratives (or indeed any representation, simple to complex) are themselves constructed, we also cannot know when and why people would rely on them to make choices.
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    Sefer Derekh yesharah: magid la-adam ezohi derekh yesharah she-yavor lo mi-sheʻat ḳumo mi-miṭato ba-boḳer, ṿe-ʻad ʻet yishkav la-num et shenato..Reʼuven ben Avraham - 1997 - Yerushalayim: ha-Makhon le-hotsaʼat sefarim she-ʻa. y. Yeshivat Shuvi nafshi.
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  27. (1 other version)Sefer Derekh yesharah.Reʼuven ben Avraham - 1787 - Bruḳlin: Hafatsat Torah.
    -- -- ḥeleḳ 3. Shaʻar ha-teḥinah -- ḥeleḳ 4. Shaʻar ha-segulot.
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  28. Sefer Naḥalat Yaʻaḳov: kolel shene ḥalaḳim ki-mevoʼar ba-shaʻar ha-sheni.Yaʻaḳov ben Avraham - 1879 - [New York?: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  29. Sefer Zeraʻ Yitsḥaḳ: meyusad ʻal ha-sheloshah devarim sheha-ʻolam ʻomed ʻalehem..Yitsḥaḳ ben Avraham - 1788 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Aḥim Goldenberg.
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  30. Sefer Berit Avraham.Avraham ben Refaʼel Yaʻaḳov Bushaʻrah - 1790 - [Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Mekhirah ha-rashit etsel Be. m.s. Bigelʼaizen.
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  31. Sefer Zikaron la-nefesh: musarim naʼim, maʻaśiyot u-derushim: ʻim targum li-Sefaradit.Avraham ben Yeshaʻyah Dayan - 1991 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon ha-ketav.
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  32. Sefer Zikaron la-nefesh: musarim naʼim, maʻaśiyot u-derushim.Avraham ben Yeshaʻyah Dayan - 1984 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon ha-ketav.
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  33. Hagadah shel Peh saḥ: meʻuṭeret be-divre musar ṿe-hashḳafah... be-ʻinyan galut u-geʼulat ha-dibur.Avraham ben ʻAḳiva Erlanger (ed.) - 2011 - Nanuet, NY: Feldhaim.
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  34. Mishnat Ḥabad: sugyot filosofiyot ṿe-teʼologiyot be-mishnat Ḥabad = Chabad philosophy: philosophical and theological issues in Chabad philosophy.Avraham ben ʻAḳiva Goldshmid - 2021 - [Israel]: [Avraham Goldshmid].
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  35. Kelayot yoʻatsot: maśa u-matan be-ḥiyuv hatsalat nefashot be-gidre ha-zekhiyah be-mitsṿah zo uva-devarim ha-mistaʻafim mimenah.Avraham ben Aryeh Leyb Ravits - 2000 - Yerushalayim: [Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  36. Sefer Sheloshah sifre musar.Avraham Abeli Rozanos, Ḥayim Berish ben Yaʻaḳov & Jonah ben Abraham Gerondi (eds.) - 1862 - [Brooklyn, N.Y.?: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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    Developmental depersonalization: The prefrontal cortex and self-functions in autism.Dorit Ben Shalom - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (3):457-460.
    The human self model suggests that the construct of self involves functions such as agency, body-centered spatial perspectivity, and long-term unity. Vogeley, Kurthen, Falkai, and Maieret (1999) suggest that agency is subserved by the prefrontal cortex and other association areas of the cortex, spatial perspectivity by the prefrontal cortex and the parietal lobes, and long-term unity by the prefrontal cortex and the temporal lobes and that all of these functions are impaired in schizophrenia. Exploring the connections between the prefrontal cortex (...)
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    Autism and the experience of a perceptual object.D. Ben Shalom - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (3):641-644.
    Sewards and Sewards argue that while computations necessary for object recognition occur throughout the ventral visual stream, object recognition awareness involves the anterior temporal lobe and the medial orbital prefrontal cortex. The present paper suggests, however, that the medial orbital prefrontal cortex has a unique contribution, namely that of producing a basic experience of a perceptual object. It is further argued that the mechanisms that produce this experience also result in making the object more important than its subparts and features. (...)
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    Editorial: The Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Integration in ASD and Typical Cognition.Dorit Ben Shalom & Yoram S. Bonneh - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    One Connection between Standard Invariance Conditions on Modal Formulas and Generalized Quantifiers.Dorit Ben Shalom - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (1):47-52.
    The language of standard propositional modal logic has one operator (? or ?), that can be thought of as being determined by the quantifiers ? or ?, respectively: for example, a formula of the form ?F is true at a point s just in case all the immediate successors of s verify F.This paper uses a propositional modal language with one operator determined by a generalized quantifier to discuss a simple connection between standard invariance conditions on modal formulas and generalized (...)
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  41. Sefer ha-ḳinot: seder mispedot ṿe-ḳinot le-ʻet metso le-omran be-vet ha-avel: tokhaḥot musar, piyute tokhaḥah u-musar meʻorere lev ṿe-nefesh li-teshuvah u-maʻaśim ṭovim.Shalom ben Yaḥya Koraḥ - 2020 - [Israel]: Mekhon Ḥeḳer.
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  42. Perush la-Moreh ha-nevukhim: beʼuro shel R. Mordekhai ben Eliʻezer Komṭino le-Moreh ha-nevukhim la-Rambam.Dov Schwartz, Esther Eisenmann, Moses Maimonides & Mordecai ben Eliezer Comtino (eds.) - 2016 - Ramat-Gan: Hotsaʼat Universiṭat Bar-Ilan.
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  43. Sefer Torat ha-adam.Shemuʼel ben Shalom - 1858 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: [Ḥ. Mo. L.].
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    Trace deletion and friederici's (1995) model of syntactic processing.Dorit Ben Shalom - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):22-23.
    This commentary discusses the relation between Grodzinsky's target article and Friederici's (1995) model of syntactic processing. The two models can be made more compatible if it is assumed that people with Broca's aphasia have a problem in trace construction rather than trace deletion, and that the process of trace construction takes place during the second early syntactic substage of Friederici's model.
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  45. Sefer Shaʻare Shalom: liḳuṭim, ḥidushim u-veʼurim be-dine li-fene ʻiṿer lo titen mikhshol.Shalom Yitsḥaḳ ben Mikhaʼel Ṭoṿil - 1999 - Yerushalayim: [Ḥ. Mo. L..
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    Poverty, charity and the image of the poor in rabbinic texts from the land of Israel.Yael Wilfand Ben-Shalom - 2014 - Sheffield [England]: Sheffield Phoenix Press.
    In the rabbinic literature from the land of Israel the poor are depicted not as passive recipients of gifts and support, but as independent agents who are responsible for their own behaviour. Communal care for the needy was expected to go beyond their basic needs for food, clothing and shelter; the physical safety of the poor and the value of their time as well as their dignity and self-worth were also included in the scope of charity. In this monograph, Yael (...)
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  47. Sefer Divre shalom ṿe-emet.Shalom ben Yehoshuʻa - 2010 - Monsi: [Ḥ. Mo. L.].
    Toldot adam 3 -- Bet ha-midot -- Sheʼelot u-teshuvot.
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  48. My Jewish Federation: Legacy and Change.Dov Ben-Shimon - 2019 - In Mary L. Zamore & Elka Abrahamson, The sacred exchange: creating a Jewish money ethic. New York, NY: CCAR Press.
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    Neo-Assyrian Astronomical Terminology in the Babylonian Talmud.Jonathan Ben-Dov - 2010 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 130 (2):267-270.
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    The construction of time in antiquity: ritual, art, and identity.Jonathan Ben-Dov (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Time stands at the heart of human experience. In this book, new investigations illuminate the gamut of human engagement with time in antiquity.
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